
Monday, January 11, 2010

Computer security

Computer security includes the policies ,procedures ,tools and techniques designed to protect a company computer assets from accidental ,intension or natural disaesters including accidental input or output errors ,theft ,physical,damage and illegal access or manipulation .Computer equipment software and data need to be proctected from the physical harm .Hazards could include natural ones such as fire ,lightening ,water etc and can include deliberate damage or theft .Excessive heat within a computer component may cause failure of computer components .The recommmended computer room temperature should be 22 degree celcius .Air conditioning is important for the computer system where temperature and humidity must be controlled .A voltage regulator is an electrical regulator designed to automaticaly maintained a constant voltage level .UPS ,volt guard and spike guard area some of the alternatives to protect the computer system from power surge .The greatest threat to software is a computer virus ,a program that causes a computer system to behave in unexpected and undesirable wage so that antiviral software can be used to scan a computers memory and disks to detect viruses .

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